LAW No. 18 OF 2009





a. that animal as the gift and mandate of the Almighty God has important role in the provision of food originating from animal and other animal products and services for human being which benefits need to be directed for the welfare of the people;

b. that to achieve this purpose, it is necessary to maintain animal health in order to protect human and animal health and its ecosystem as the requirement to accomplish advanced, competitive and continuous husbandry as well as providing safe, healthy, intact, and religious permitted food so that it is necessary to make efficient use thereof for the prosperity and welfare of the people;

c. that with the developed situation of the claim for regional autonomy and globalization, laws in the field of husbandry and animal heath prevailing of present is no longer justified as the basis of law in the implementation of husbandry and animal health;

d. that based on consideration as intended in paragraphs a, b and c, it is necessary to establish a Law concerning Husbandry and Animal Health;

In view of:

Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20, and Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945;

With the Joint Approval of


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Law:

1. Husbandry is all matters relating to resources of physical, seeds, seedling and/or germs, food, husbandry tools and machine, livestock cultivation, harvesting, post harvesting, processing, marketing and its exploitation.

2. Animal health is all matters relating to animal health care, animal medication, animal health service, control and management of animal disease, disease prevention, medical reproduction, medical conservation, animal medicine and animal health apparatus, and food security.

3. Animal is animal or wild animal which the entire or part of its live cycle is on land, water and/or air, either reared or within its habitat.

4. Reared animal is animal which part or the whole lives thereof depend on human being for particular purpose.

5. Livestock is reared animal which product is allocated for food producer, basic material for industry, service, and/or its derivative products that relates to agricultural matters.

6. Wild animal is all animals that live on land, water and/or air which are still having wild nature, that are either live freely or reared by human being.

7. Genetic resources are plants, animals, or microorganism consisting of units that function as genetic nature carrier, that either has actual or potential value for creating groove, clump or new species.

8. Animal germs hereinafter called as germs are reproduction material that may be in the form of cement, sperm, ova, bud egg, and embryo.

9. Microorganism is microorganism that may be useful for animal food industry and/or veterinary biomedical industry.

10. Animal germs hereinafter called as animal has superior nature are animal having superior nature, bequeathing and complying with certain requirements for breeding development.

11. Animal cluster hereinafter called as animal cluster is group of animals from one species that has special phonotype characters and may be bequeathed to its descendant.

12. Prospective animal hereinafter called as non-germ animal is animal that has superior nature to be reared for producing purpose.

13. Animal product is all products originating from fresh animal or processed for consumption purpose, for pharmaceutical, agriculture and/or other use to fulfill human need and benefit.

14. Breeder is individual Indonesian citizen or corporate operating husbandry business.

15. Husbandry company is individual person or corporate, either in the form of legal entity or non-legal entity, duly established and domiciled in the territory of the Unity State of the Republic of Indonesia that manages husbandry business in certain criteria and scale.

16. Business in the field of husbandry is activities that produce products and service that support business on livestock cultivation.

17. Castration is action that prevents the testis to function by eliminating or detaching its function.

18. Artificial insemination is the technology for inserting the sperm or cement into healthy female livestock reproduction mechanism in order to germinate the ovum using insemination device with the objective to inseminate the livestock.

19. Livestock improve breeding is a series of activities to change the genetic composition on a group of livestock from one cluster or groove in order to accomplish certain objective.

20. Local livestock is the product of cross-breeding or overseas introduction that has been cultivated in Indonesia up to the fifth or more generation that has been adapted to the environment and/or local management.

21. Business in the field of animal health is activities that produce products and service that support the effort to accomplish animal heath.

22. Food is single or mixed food material either processed or not processed, given to the animal to survive, produce and breed.

23. Food material is products of agriculture, fishery, husbandry, or other material reasonably used as food, either processed or non-processed.

24. Public breeding zone is State-owned zone or zone made available by the Government or zone granted by individual or company allocated for livestock husbandry by small scale community so that the livestock may breed freely.

25. Any person is individual person or corporation in the form of legal entity or non-legal entity that operates in the field of husbandry and animal health.

26. Veterinary is all matters relating to animal and animal disease.

27. Veterinary medical is activities conducted by veterinarian.

28. Veterinarian body is Government institution and/or institution duly established by the Government in making top technical decision concerning animal involving veterinarian professionalism starting from identification of problem, decide policy, coordinate implementation of the policy, up to control the operational technique in the field.

29. Veterinarian is a person having professionalism in the field of veterinary, certificate of competency, and veterinarian medical authority in providing animal health service.

30. Authorized veterinarian is veterinarian appointed by the Minister, Governor, or Regent or Mayor according to their respective authority based on their respective range of duty in providing service in the framework of implementing animal health.

31. Reproduction medical is application of medical by veterinarian in the implementation of animal health in the field of animal reproduction.

32. Conservation medical is application of medial by veterinarian in the implementation of animal health in the field of conservation of wild life.

33. Biomedical is medical implementation by veterinarian in the field of pharmaceutical biology, medical scientifically development or biological industry for human health and welfare.

34. Animal disease is health disturbance to animal which among other things, caused by genetic defect, degenerative process, metabolism disorder, trauma, intoxication, parasite infection, and pathogen microorganism infection such as virus, bacteria, fungus, and rickets.

35. Infectious animal disease is disease infected between the animal and animal, animal and human being, and animal and other animal disease carrier agent by direct contact or indirect contact with agent mechanism like water, air, land, food, device, and human being, or with biological agent such as virus, bacteria, amoeba, or fungus.

36. Strategic animal disease is animal disease that may inflict economical loss, uproar to the people, and/or high rate animal death.

37. Zoonosist is disease that may infect from animal to human being or the other way round.

38. Veterinary community health is all matters that relate to animal and animal product that either directly or indirectly affects human health.

39. Animal medicine is preparation that may be use to cure animal, to set free all symptoms, or modify chemical process in the body covering biologic preparation, pharmaceutical, premix, and nature preparation.

40. Husbandry tools and machines are equipment used relating to husbandry activities and animal health, either operated by moving motor activator or without motor activator.

41. Animal health instrument and machines are veterinarian apparatus prepared and used for animal as aid instrument in the provision of animal health service.

42. Animal welfare is all matters relating to animal physical and mental conditions based on the natural behavior of animal that needs to be applied and enforced for animal protection from any unreasonable action of any person against the animal that is beneficial to human being.

43. Animal health agent is person that runs activities in the field of animal health based on the veterinarian medical competence and authority which by hierarchy is in accordance with the formal education and/or certified training on animal health.

44. Animal health technology is all matters that relate to the development and application of science, technology, engineering, and industry in the field of animal health.

45. Central government hereinafter called Government is President of the Republic of Indonesia that holds power over the Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as intended in the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia.

46. Minister is minister whose duty and responsibility are in the field of husbandry and animal health.

47. Regional Government is the Governor, Regent/Mayor, and regional apparatus as operating elements of regional administration.

48. Regional Administration is implementation of administrative matters by regional government and the house of the peoples representatives based on the principles of autonomy and assisting duty with the principles of extensive autonomy in the system and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as intended in the 1945 Constitution of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

49. The national animal health system hereinafter referred to as Siskeswanas is the system of animal health elements in good order that interrelated so as to establish entirety that prevails nationwide.


Article 2

(1) Husbandry and animal health shall be conducted in all territories of the Unity State of the Republic of Indonesia separated and/or integrated with plant food cultivation, horticulture, plantation, fishery, forestry or other related fields.

(2) Implementation of husbandry and animal health shall be based on benefit and continuity, security and health, people oriented and just, transparently and integration, independent, partnership, and professional.

Article 3

Implementation of husbandry and animal health shall be governed with the objective to:


Part One

Article 4

To guarantee certainty in the implementation of husbandry and animal heath, it is necessary to have available land that complies with the technical requirement for husbandry and animal health.

Article 5

(1) The provision of land as intended in Article 4 has been included in the space layout of the territory in accordance with the provisions in laws.

(2) In the event of a change made to the territorial space layout that causes a change to the land allocation for husbandry and animal health, the replacement land must be made available first of all in another place that complies with the requirement for husbandry and animal health and agro ecosystem.

(3) Provision on the charge to the space layout as intended in paragraph (2) is excepted for land for husbandry and animal health for education and/or research activities and development.

Article 6

(1) Existence and benefit of the land that has been decided as public herding zone must be preserved continuously.

(2) The public herding zone as intended in paragraph (1) shall function as:

(3) The regency/municipality regional government wherein its region has available land that can provide and give priority to small scale livestock cultivation shall be obliged to decide a plot of land as public herding zone.

(4) The regency/municipality regional government shall develop a kind of joint operation between husbandry exploitation and food plants exploitation, horticulture, fishery, plantation, and forestry and others in utilizing the land such zone as the source of cheap food for the livestock.

(5) Further provision on the provision and management of the public herding zone as intended in paragraph (3) shall be stipulated in regency/municipality regional regulation.

Part Two

Article 7

(1) The water used for husbandry and animal health purposes must comply with the requirement for water standard quality according to its allocation.

(2) In the case of available water is limited at certain period and the zone, the animal need for water must be prioritized after the community's need has been complied with.

Part Three
Genetic Resources

Article 8

(1) Genetic resource shall constitute the Indonesian nation's asset controlled by the State and is utilized for the maximum welfare of the people.

(2) The control of genetic resource by the State as intended in paragraph (1) shall be taken care of by the Government, regional administration of the province, or regency/municipality regional administration in accordance with the original circular of the genetic resource concerned.

(3) Genetic resource shall be managed by utilizing it action and preservation activities.

(4) The genetic resource as intended in paragraph (3) shall be made by cultivation and refinery.

(5) Genetic resource preservation as intended in paragraph (3) shall be made by conservation within and/or outside its habitat and other efforts.

(6) Management of genetic source of food plants shall comply with laws on plants cultivation system.

Article 9

(1) Any person utilizing genetic resource as intended in Article 8 paragraph (4) shall be obliged to enter into agreement with the State controlling operator on genetic resource concerned as intended in Article 8 paragraph (2).

(2) The agreement as intended in paragraph (1) shall stipulate, among other things, distribution of profit from the result of utilizing the genetic resources and empowerment of the surrounding community in its utilization.

(3) Utilization of genetic resource originating from wild life shall comply with laws on preservation of natural resource and biological matter and its ecosystem.

Article 10

(1) The cultivation and refining as intended in Article 8 paragraph (4) shall be conducted by the Government, regional government of province, regency/municipality regional government, the community, and/or corporate.

(2) The Government shall be obliged to protect the cultivation and refining businesses as intended in paragraph (1).

(3) The cultivation and refining as intended in paragraph (1) must optimize utilization of various biological matters and preservation of genetic resource originating from Indonesia.

(4) The Government and regional government shall develop and supervise every person conducting the cultivation and refining as intended in paragraph (3).

Article 11

(1) Every person or national institution importing and/or exporting genetic resource to and from the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia shall be obliged to obtain permit from the Minister in accordance with the provisions in laws.

(2) The provision as intended in paragraph (1) is also valid for international institution importing and/or exporting genetic resource to and from the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

(3) Other than the provision as intended in paragraph (2), any foreign institution wishing to import and export genetic resource, must first have agreement with the Government on transfer of genetic material in accordance with the provisions in laws.

Article 12

(1) Further provision on genetic resource as intended in Article 8 through Article 11 shall be governed by or shall be based on Government Regulation.

(2) Further provision on utilization and preservation of genetic resource including animal genetic resource and genetic engineering shall be governed by law.


Part One
Germ, Seed, and Ovule

Article 13

(1) Provision and development of germ, seed, and/or ovule shall be conducted by prioritizing domestic product and people oriented economic capability.

(2) The Government shall be obliged to develop seedling business and/or nursery by involving the role and participation of the community in order to guarantee available germs, seeds, and/or ovule.

(3) If no seedling and/or nursery are developed yet by the community, the Government shall establish seedling and/or nursery units.

(4) Every germ or seed circulating must bear valid germ or seed certificate stating remarks on the history and characteristics of certain superiority.

(5) The germ or seed valid certificate as intended in paragraph (4) shall be issued by germ or seed accredited certification institution or as appointed by the Minister.

Article 14

(1) The Government shall stipulate policy on national nursery to motivate availability of certified seeds and/or ovule and supervision in its procurement and circulation continuously,

(2) The Government shall establish an area for germs/seeds in an area that potentially will produce cluster of livestock with superior quality and various types of products and/or reproduction.

(3) The area for seed/ovule as intended in paragraph (2) shall be determined by the Minister by considering the types and clusters of livestock, agro climate, population density, social economy, culture, and knowledge as well as technology.

(4) Further provision on policy for national nursery as intended in paragraph (1) shall be governed in Government Regulation.

Article 15

(1) In certain circumstances import of germs and/or seeds from overseas may be made in order to:

(2) Import of germs or seeds must comply with the requirements for quality and animal health and laws on animal quarantine and observe the policy allocation for seeds as intended in Article 14.

(3) Any person importing the germs and/or seed as intended in paragraph (1) shall be obliged to obtain permit from the Minister that is in charge of trading matters after obtaining recommendation from the Minister.

(4) Further provision on the requirements for animal quality health as intended in paragraph (2) she be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 16

(1) Export of germs, seeds and/or ovule from the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to overseas may be made if domestic needs have been fulfilled and local livestock preservation secured.

(2) Any person conducting the activities as intended in paragraph (1) shall be obliged to obtain permit from the Minister in charge of trading matters after obtaining recommendation from the Minister.

Article 17

(1) Quality improvement of germs and/or seeds shall be made by establishing unpolluted groove and/or establishing new unpolluted furrow by cross-wise and/or apply modern biotechnology.

(2) The modern biotechnology as intended in paragraph (1) may be made so long that it does contravene religious norm and no inflicting loss to the variety of human biology, health, environment, and the people; as well as the welfare of the animal.

(3) Application of modern biotechnology as intended in paragraph (1) conducted specifically to produce genetic engineered livestock must comply with the provision as intended in paragraph (2) and laws on the biological security of genetic-engineered product.

Article 18

(1) In the framework of suffixing availability of seeds, the production female ruminant livestock shall be selected for refinery, while unproductive female ruminant livestock shall be allocated as beef cattle.

(2) Productive female ruminant livestock shall be prohibited from butchery since this is a well livestock producer, except for research, refining, or control and prevention of animal disease.

(3) The Government and regency/municipality regional government shall provide fund to trap productive female ruminant livestock exported by the people and accommodate the livestock at the technical operator unit in the area for breeding and to make available ruminant livestock germs in the area concerned.

(4) Further provision on selection and elimination as intended in paragraph (1) and trapping of productive female ruminant livestock as intended in paragraph (3) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Part Two

Article 19

(1) Any person conducting livestock cultivation shall be obliged to suffice the need for his livestock food and health.

(2) The Government and regional government shall be managing husbandry business of the breeder to suffice and comply with the need for good food for his livestock.

(3) To full the good need as intended in paragraph (2), the Government shall manage prioritize domestic industrial development.

Article 20

(1) Supervision in the procurement and distribution of food material and plants or food plants classified as food material shall be conducted in coordination inter agencies or ministries.

(2) The coordination as intended in paragraph (1) shall cover provision of land for the purpose of food plants cultivation, procurement of domestic food, and import of food from overseas.

(3) Procurement and/or cultivation of plants shall be conducted by means of monoculture and/or integrated planting system with other types of plants with due consideration of the ecosystem in accordance with laws on plants cultivation system.

(4) In the framework of procurement of food and/or food material classified as food material, the Government shall prioritize local base food.

(5) Procurement and use of food and/or food material originating from transgenic organism must comply with the requirements on biological security.

Article 21

The Minister shall stipulate the highest limit of content in physical, chemical, and biological material in the food and/or food material.

Article 22

(1) Any person producing food and/or food material for commercial circulation shall be obliged to obtain business license.

(2) Any food made for commercial circulation must at least comply with the standard or minimum technical requirement and security of the food and comply with the provision in the method of manufacturing good food as stipulated in Regulation of the Minister.

(3) The food as intended in paragraph (2) must have label in accordance with laws.

(4) Any person shall be prohibited from:

(5) Further provision as intended in paragraph (4) letter c shall be stipulated in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 23

Any food and/or food material from overseas or exported from the country must comply with the provision of technical and health requirements and laws on quarantine.

Part Three
Instrument and Machinery for Husbandry

Article 24

(1) The Government shall determine the type and standard of instrument and machinery for husbandry which circulation needs surveillance.

(2) Instrument and machinery produced and/or imported into the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must prioritize the safety and security of its user.

(3) Instrument and machinery for husbandry produced and/or imported to the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia referred to paragraph (2) which circulation needs surveillance must be tested before it circulated.

Article 25

(1) Any person producing or importing instrument and machinery from overseas for circulation must provide spare parts.

(2) The Government shall manage and facilitate the growth of local instrument and machinery industry for husbandry.

(3) The Government shall manage and supervise procurement and circulation of instrument and machinery.

(4) The instrument and machinery for husbandry as intended in paragraph (1) shall prioritize containing local spare parts and involve the people in the transfer of technology.

Article 26

Further provision on instrument and machinery as intended in Article 24 and Article 25 shall be governed in Government Regulation.

Part Four

Article 27

(1) Cultivation is business to rear domestic animal and produce animal product.

(2) Cultivation may be developed in a cultivation zone based on the provision of space layout as intended in Article 5.

(3) Determination of cultivation area as intended in paragraph (2) shall be governed based on Regulation of the Minister as guided by laws on space layout.

(4) Cultivation utilizing wild life shall be implemented in accordance with laws on preservation of biological resource and its ecosystem.

Article 28

(1) The Government shall determine the animal produced by cultivation that utilizes wild life as livestock so long its genetic population is stable and no longer depending on the type of its population in its natural habitat.

(2) Wild life either from natural habitat or resulting from breeding may be utilized in the cultivation to produce domestic animal so long it is in accordance with the provisions in laws on preservation of wild life.

(3) The wild life as intended in paragraphs (1) and (2) is excluded from wild life which whole or part of its life span is in water.

Article 29

(1) Livestock cultivation may be conducted by the breeder, husbandry company and certain party for special interest.

(2) The breeder cultivating livestock with the type and number below a certain business scale shall be granted husbandry business list by regency/municipality regional government.

(3) Any husbandry company cultivating livestock with the type and number of livestock above a certain business scale must have business license for husbandry from regency/municipality regional government.

(4) The breeder, husbandry business and certain party exploiting livestock with a certain business scale shall be obliged to follow the procedure for good livestock cultivation without interfering public order in accordance with the provision in the guideline stipulated by the Minister.

(5) The Government shall be obliged to protect local husbandry business from unfair competition among the market players.

Article 30

(1) Cultivation may be conducted only the Indonesian citizen individual or corporation, either in the form of Indonesian legal entity or non legal entity.

(2) Indonesian citizen individual or legal entity as intended in paragraph (1) may enter into joint operation with foreign party in accordance with laws on capital investment and other relevant statutory regulation.

Article 31

(1) The breeder may exercise business partner on livestock cultivation based on agreement that mutually need, strengthening, beneficial each other and judiciously.

(2) The business partnership as intended in paragraph (1) may be entered into:

(3) The Government and Regional Government shall manage the partnership as intended in paragraph (2) with due observance of the provisions in laws on business partnership.

Article 32

(1) The Government and regional government shall endeavor that as many people as possible conduct livestock cultivation.

(2) The Government and regional government shall facilitate and manage cultivation development conducted by the breeders and certain party having specific interest.

(3) The Government and regional government shall manage and provide facilities for the growth and development of cooperatives and business entity in husbandry.

Article 33

Further provision on cultivation as intended in Article 27 up to Article 32 shall be governed in Presidential Regulation.

Part Five
Harvest, Post-Harvest, Marketing and Husbandry Result Process Industry

Article 34

(1) The breeder and husbandry business shall conduct good harvesting system in order to obtain good production result in high amount and quality.

(2) Harvesting cultivation result must comply with the requirement for animal health, biological security, and religious norm, ethics and esthetics.

Article 35

(1) The Government and regional government shall facilitate development of small and medium scale post harvest animal product unit.

(2) The Government and regional government shall facilitate the development of post-harvest business unit that utilize animal product as food basic material, food, pharmacy, and industry.

Article 36

(1) The Government shall be obliged to implement and facilitate marketing activities of the animal or animal product domestically and overseas.

(2) The marketing as intended in paragraph (1) must be given priority to manage improvement of production and consumption of animal protein in the accomplishment of availability of balance nutritious food for the people by keep improving the welfare of the business players on husbandry.

(3) Overseas export of animal or livestock and animal products as intended in paragraph (1) shall be made if local production and supply sufficient the need for the people consumption.

(4) Import of animal or livestock and animal product from overseas shall be made if domestic animal products and Supply or livestock is insufficient to fulfill the need for the people consumption.

(5) The Government shall be obliged to create health business atmosphere for the animal or livestock and animal product.

Article 37

(1) The Government shall manage and facilitate the growth of animal product industry by prioritizing the use of local basic material.

(2) The Government shall manage development of health business partnership between processing industry and the breeders and/or cooperatives that produce animal product used as basic material for industry.

(3) Further provision as intended in paragraph (1) shall be made in accordance with laws on industry, except for matters governed in this Law.

Article 38

Further provision on harvest, post harvest, marketing and industry for processing husbandry result as intended in Article 34 up to Article 37, except those governed in the provision in laws on industry, shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.


Part One
Control and Prevention of Animal Disease

Article 39

(1) Control and prevention of animal disease constitute implementation of animal health and environmental health in the form of observance and identification, prevention, safeguarding, eradication and/or medication.

(2) Animal health matter shall be approached with maintenance, health improvement (promotion), prevention of disease, cure of disease, and health rehabilitation, and conducted entirely, integrated and continuously.

(3) In the framework of effective control and prevention of animal disease as intended in paragraph (1), various approaches in animal health matter as intended in paragraph (2), the Government shall develop a policy on animal health nation-wide in order to guarantee integrated and continuous animal health IF various ecosystem environments.

Article 40

(1) Animal disease observance and identification as intended in Article 39 paragraph (1) shall be conducted through surveillance and mapping, investigation and early warning, examination and testing, and reporting.

(2) The Minister shall determine the type of animal disease, the map and status of the animal disease and exotic disease that threatens the health of animal, human being, and the environment based on the result of surveillance and identification as intended in paragraph (1).

(3) Surveillance and identification of animal disease shall be conducted by accredited veterinary.

(4) In the absence of laboratory as intended in paragraph (3), the Minister shall designate a laboratory for surveillance and identification of animal disease.

(5) The Minister shall stipulate a guideline for surveillance and identification of animal disease as intended in paragraph (1).

Article 41

Prevention of animal disease as intended in Article 39 shall be conducted based on the provision in the provision in laws on animal quarantine.

Article 42

(1) Surveillance of animal disease as intended in Article 39 shall be conducted by:

(2) Further provision or safeguarding of animal disease as intended in paragraph (1) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

(3) In the framework of safeguarding from animal disease at production animal centers and/or wild life, the Minister shall decide a safeguarding zone free from animal disease.

(4) The Government shall develop and manage supervisory system of veterinary information in the implementation of supervisory and provide available data and information on animal disease.

(5) Any person importing and/or exporting animal, animal product, and/or disease carrier media shall be obliged to comply with the technical requirement of animal health.

(6) The Minister shall stipulate management of veterinary emergency alert to anticipate event of infectious animal disease particularly exotic disease.

Article 43

(1) The Minister shall determine the type of strategic infectious animal disease in safeguarding the animal disease as intended in Article 42 paragraph (1) a.

(2) The Government and regional government based on their respective authority shall safeguard strategic infectious animal disease as intended in paragraph (1).

(3) The safeguarding of any type of animal disease other than strategic infectious animal disease as intended in paragraph (2) shall be conducted by the community.

(4) Any person maintaining and/or exploiting animal shall be obliged to safeguard against strategic infectious disease as intended in paragraph (1).

Article 44

(1) Eradication of animal disease as intended in Article 39 shall cover closure of the area, limiting animal traffic, animal immunization, isolated sick animal or alleged to be sick animal, eradication of carcasses, eradication of animal disease, and animal de-population.

(2) The de-population as intended in paragraph (1) shall be conducted with due observance of the status of animal preservation and/or the status of quality of animal genetic.

(3) No compensation shall be provided by the Government to any person conducting de-population against his animal which positively has been infected with disease as intended in paragraph (1).

(4) The Government shall provide compensation to healthy animal based on the guideline that eradication of animal disease epidemic shall be conducted by de-population.

(5) Further provision on eradication of animal disease as intended in paragraphs (1) through (4) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 45

(1) Any person, including livestock, animal owner, and husbandry business making business on husbandry that acknowledges occurrence of infectious animal disease shall be obliged to report such occurrence to the Government, Regional government and/or the local authorized veterinarian.

(2) The Minister shall determine status of the area as infected area, alleged infected area, and area free from infectious animal disease, as well as a guideline on its eradication.

(3) The regional government of province shall supervise application of the guideline on eradication of animal disease as intended in paragraph (2).

(4) Regency/municipality regional government shall stipulate guideline on eradication of animal disease as intended in paragraph (3).

Article 46

(1) The Minister shall state and announce to public on the occurrence of infectious animal disease in a certain area based on report of the Governor and/or regent/ mayor after obtaining investigation result from veterinarian laboratory from veterinary authority in the local region.

(2) In the event that any area declared as epidemic area, the regional government of province or regency or municipality government shall be obliged to close the infected area, take all measures of safeguarding, eradication, and allocation of sufficient fund other than the fund provided by the Government.

(3) In the event that the infectious animal disease as intended in paragraph (1) is exotic infectious animal disease, all actions of eradication must be taken against all animals that have been infected with due observance of the status animal preservation concerned.

(4) Eradication of rare animal and/or protected animal shall be conducted in accordance with laws on preservation of biological natural resource and its ecosystem.

(5) Every person is prohibited from exporting and/or importing animal, animal product, and/or media that possibly carry other type of disease from infectious area and/or area alleged to been infected to free-disease area.

(6) The provision on eradication as intended in paragraph (2) and eradication of animal as intended in paragraph (3) is exempted to livestock seeds produced by husbandry business nursery declared free by the veterinary authority.

(7) Declaration of free infectious disease in husbandry business on nursery by the veterinary authority as intended in paragraph (6) shall be stipulated in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 47

(1) Animal medication shall be the responsibility of the animal owner, breeder, or husbandry business, either themselves or with the assistance of animal health force.

(2) The animal medication as intended in paragraph (1) using strong medicine and/or parental medicine must be given under the supervision of the veterinarian.

(3) Animal or group of animal that suffers incurable disease based on veterinarian visum must be given dieutanisia and/or destroyed by veterinary force with due observance of the provision on animal welfare.

(4) Animal or group of animals suffering infectious disease and incurable based on the visum conducted by authorized veterinary and endangering human life and the environment must be eradicated at the request of the animal owner, the Government, and/or regional Government.

(5) No compensation shall be provided by the Government for such animal based on the guideline on animal suffering disease epidemic that must be destroyed.

(6) The euthanasia or eradication of animal or group of animals as intended in paragraphs (3) and (4) shall be conducted by the veterinarian and/or animal health force under the supervision of the veterinarian in compliance with the provision on animal welfare.

Article 48

Further provision on observation, safeguarding, eradication of animal disease, medication, and technical requirement of animal health, including provision of compensation as intended in Articles 39 through 47 shall be governed in Regulation of the Government.

Part Two
Animal Medicine

Article 49

(1) Based on preparation, animal medicine may be classified in biological preparation, pharmaceutical, remix, and natural medicine.

(2) Based on the level of danger in its use and consequence, animal medicine as intended in paragraph (1) shall be classified as strong medicine, unlimited free medicine, and free medicine.

(3) To guarantee availability and continuity of biologic preparation, local isolation of the parent shall be kept in the laboratory and/or research institution and veterinary development.

(4) To guarantee availability and continuous premix preparation in small and medium scale husbandry development, the Government shall facilitate distribution of domestic premix preparation.

(5) Further provision on distribution of premix preparation as intended in paragraph (4) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 50

(1) Animal medicine made available and prepared for circulation purpose must bear registration number.

(2) To obtain registration number, every animal medicine must be registered, assessed, tested and provided quality certificate after having passed assessment and testing.

(3) The manufacturing, preparation, distribution and testing of medical medicine must be conducted under the supervision of veterinary authority.

(4) The Government and regional government based on their respective authority shall supervise the manufacturing, preparation and circulation of animal medicine.

Article 51

(1) Strong medicine used to safeguard animal disease and/or medication of sick animal may be obtained only with veterinarian prescription.

(2) Use of strong medicine must be conducted under the supervision of the veterinarian or animal health force.

(3) Every person is prohibited from using certain animal medicine on livestock which product is for consumption of human being.

(4) Further provision on prohibition from using certain animal medicine as intended in paragraph (3) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 52

(1) Any person attempting business in the manufacturing, preparation, and/or circulation of animal medicine shall be obliged to hold business license in accordance with the provisions in laws.

(2) Every person is prohibited from manufacturing, making available, and/or circulating animal medicine:

Article 53

(1) Manufacturing of biologic preparation which disease does not exist in Indonesia for the purpose of protecting national interest and assist in the control and prevention of animal disease in other countries must comply with the requirement on supreme biological security.

(2) Manufacturing of biological preparation which isolation parent does not exist in Indonesia for the purpose of protecting the nation's interest and assist controlling and preventing animal disease in other countries must comply with the requirement on supreme biological security.

(3) Further provision on manufacturing biological preparation which disease and/or isolation parent does not exist in Indonesia as intended in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 54

(1) Preparation of animal medicine shall prioritize domestic product.

(2) If the animal medicine as intended in paragraph (1) may not be produced or fails to suffice local needs, its preparation may be fulfilled by overseas product.

(3) import of animal medicine for circulation in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must comply with the requirements on circulation of animal medicine as intended in Article 50 paragraph (1) and laws on quarantine.

(4) Export of domestically produced animal medicine to overseas must prioritize the nation's interest.

(5) Further provision on import and export from and to overseas intended in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Part Three
Device and Machinery for Animal Health

Article 55

(1) The Government shall determine the type and quality standard of the device and machinery for animal health which procurement and circulation need supervision.

(2) Device and machinery for animal health manufactured or imported for circulation in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must comply with the provisions in laws.

(3) Any person manufacturing, importing and circulating device and machinery for animal health to the territory of the Unitary State o the Republic of Indonesia as intended in paragraph (2) shall be obliged to provide after sale service and conduct transfer of technology.

(4) Further provision on device and machinery for animal health as intended in paragraphs (1) through (3) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.


Part One.
Veterinarian Health

Article 56

Health of veterinarians is implementation of animal health in the form of:

Article 57

(1) The Minister together with the minister in charge of health matter shall determine the type of zoonosis that needs priority in the control and prevention.

(2) The control and prevention of zoonosis as intended in paragraph (1) shall be conducted mutatis mutandis by complying with the provision in Articles 40 through 47.

(3) Other than the provision as intended in paragraph (2), the control and prevention of zoonosis as intended in paragraph (1) must be conducted in coordination with the relevant Minister.

Article 58

(1) In the framework of guaranteeing secure, healthy, totally, permitted animal product, the Government and regional government according to their respective authority shall be obliged to supervise, examine, test, standardize, certify and register the animal product.

(2) The supervision and examination of animal product shall be consecutively conducted at the production spot, at butchering, at accommodating and collection place, when the product is still fresh before it is put into preservation and during circulation after it is preserved.

(3) Standardization, certification, and registration of animal product must be conducted on animal product which is produced in and/or imported into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia for circulation from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

(4) Animal product produced at and/or imported in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia for circulation must be certified by veterinarian and must be certified as permitted for consumption.

(5) Animal product exported from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must bear veterinarian certificate and permitted for consumption certificate as required by the importing country.

(6) Further provision on what as intended in paragraphs (1) through (5) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

(7) For processed food originating from animal, other than obliged to comply with the provision as intended in paragraph (5) must comply with the provision in laws on food.

Article 59

(1) Any person importing animal product to the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia shall be obliged to obtain license for import from the relevant Minister on trade after obtaining recommendation for:

(2) The fresh animal product imported into the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as intended in paragraph (1) a must come from animal product business unit of the country or zone of the country that complies with the requirements and procedure for importing animal product.

(3) Processed animal product to be imported to the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as intended in paragraph (1) b, that is still having the risk from spread of zoonosis may threaten the health of human being, must obtain recommendation of the Minister prior to license by the management of the agency that is responsible on the supervision of medicine and food.

(4) The requirement and procedure for importing animal product from overseas to the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as intended in paragraphs (2) and (3) refer to international provisions or norms based on risk analysis on animal health and veterinarians and prioritize the nation's interest.

(5) Further provision on requirements and procedure for importing animal product into the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as intended in paragraphs (1) through (4) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 60

(1) Any person having business unit for animal product shall be obliged to submit application for veterinarian control number to the regional government of province based on the guideline stipulated by the Minister.

(2) Regency/municipality regional government shall manage business unit that produces and/or circulates animal product produced by small scale home industry that does not have veterinary control number yet.

Article 61

(1) Butchery of animal which meat is circulated must:

(2) In the framework of guaranteeing public peace of mind, slaughtering of animal as intended in paragraph (1) b must observe religious norm and faith of the people.

(3) The Minister shall stipulate requirements for slaughtering house and procedure for decent slaughtering of animal.

(4) The provision on slaughtering as intended in paragraph (1) a, is exempted for slaughtering in the interest of religious festive days, customary ceremony, and emergency slaughtering.

Article 62

(1) Regency/municipality government shall be obliged to own slaughtering house that complies with technical requirement.

(2) The animal slaughtering house as intended in paragraph (1) may be endevored by every person after having obtained business license from the regent/mayor.

(3) Animal slaughtering house as intended in paragraph (2) must be conducted under the supervision of authorized veterinarian on supervision.

Article 63

(1) The Government and regional government according to their respective authority shall be obliged to provide guarantee on hygiene and sanitation.

(2) To accomplish hygiene and sanitation as intended in paragraph (1) the following shall be conducted:

(3) The hygiene and sanitation activities as intended in paragraph (1) shall be conducted by the veterinarian authorized for health of the people.

(4) Further provision on hygiene and sanitation as intended in paragraph (2) shall be governed in Regulation of Minister.

Article 64

The Government and regional government shall anticipate the threat to public health caused by animal and/or change to the environment as impact of natural disaster that that needs alert and method of control against zoonosis, hygienic matter, and environmental sanitation.

Article 65

Further provision on supervision, examination, testing, standardization and certification of animal product as intended in Article 58 paragraph (1), procedure for importing process animal product as intended in Article 59 paragraph (1) b, State allocation and/or zone, business unit of animal product, and procedure for importing fresh animal product as intended in Article 59 paragraph (2), and alertness and prevention of disaster as intended in Article 64 shall be governed in Regulation of the Government.

Part Two
Animal Welfare

Article 66

(1) In the interest of animal welfare all measures shall be taken that relate to catching and handling, placement and multiplication, care, transportation, slaughtering and killing, as well as reasonable treatment and tender care of animal.

(2) The provision on animal welfare as intended in paragraph (1) shall be implemented with humanity covering that:

(3) The provision relating to implementation of the animal health shall be conducted for all types of animals that have backbone and some of the animals that have no backbone that can feel pain.

(4) Further provision on animal welfare as intended in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 67

The animal welfare as intended in Article 66 paragraphs (1) and (2) shall Be implemented by the Government and regional government.


Article 68

(1) Implementation of animal health in all territories of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia shall need veterinary authority.

(2) In the implementation of veterinary authority as intended in paragraph (1), the Government shall stipulate Siskeswanas.

(3) In the implementation of Siskeswanas intended in paragraph (2), the Government and/or regional government according to their respect authority shall decide authorized veterinarian, improve the role and function of animal health implementing institution as well as implement coordination with due observance of the provision of laws on regional administration

(4) Take role in the accomplishment of animal health through the Siskeswanas as intended in paragraph (2), the Minister may delegate his authority to the veterinary authority.

(5) The authorized veterinary together with the professional veterinarian organization shall conduct Siskeswanas by empowering animal health potential force and manage the implementation of the veterinarian practices in all territories of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

(6) Other than implementing control and prevention of animal disease, health of the veterinarians, and/or animal welfare, the authorized veterinarian shall also provide animal health service, governing animal health force, conduct reproduction, conservation medically, veterinary forensic, and comparison development of animal by veterinarian.

(7) Further provision on implementation of animal health as intended in paragraphs (1) through (3) shall be governed in Government Regulation.

Article 69

(1) Animal health service shall cover veterinary laboratory service, veterinary laboratory for examination and testing services, veterinarian medical health service, and/or provision of services at animal health center or animal health at place.

(2) Any person making business on animal health service as intended in paragraph (1) shall be obliged to hold business license from the Regent/Mayor.

Article 70

(1) To fulfill the need for animal health, the Government shall govern and make available as well as provide places for animal health force in all territories or the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as needed.

(2) Animal health force as intended in paragraph (1) consists of medical veterinarian and veterinary medical skilled.

(3) The medical veterinarian as intended in paragraph (2) shall cover veterinarian and specialist veterinarian.

(4) Veterinary paramedics as intended in paragraph (2) must hold animal health diploma and/or animal health vocational certificate.

(5) Further provision on the criteria of animal health force as intended in paragraph (2) shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.

Article 71

(1) Medical veterinary force shall conduct all matters on animal health according to the medical veterinary competence they obtains in veterinary education.

(2) Veterinary paramedics force and animal veterinarian shall conduct all matters on animal health based on their competence and shall conduct this under the supervision of the veterinarian.

(3) The specialist veterinarian and/or veterinarian that has obtained competence certificate from professional veterinary organization and/or certificate recognized by the Government may conduct all matters on animal health.

(4) In conducting all the matters as intended in paragraphs (1) and (2), the animal health force shall be obliged to obey the code of ethic and firmly hold his/her professional oath or pledge.

Article 72

(1) The animal health conducting animal health service shall be obliged to hold license certificate to run practice on animal health issued by the regent/mayor.

(2) To obtain license certificate to run practice on animal health as intended in paragraph (1), the animal health force concerned must apply for license certificate for practice to the regent/mayor supported by certificate of competence from the professional veterinarian organization.

(3) Foreign animal health force may practice animal health service in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on bilateral agreement or multilateral agreement between the Indonesian Government and foreign institution based on the provisions in laws.

Article 73

(1) The Government shall be obliged to manage and facilitate implementation of reproduction and preservation medically, and veterinary forensic.

(2) Medical reproduction, preservation and forensic, to the extent they relate to wild life and/or animal that live in water shall be conducted in coordination in accordance with the provision in laws.

Article 74

(1) In the framework of improving the utilization of animal as laboratory animal and model animal for research and/or utilization of animal organ for the welfare of human being medical science of comparison on animal shall be applied.

(2) Application of medical science of comparison as intended in paragraph (1) must be conducted:

Article 75

Further provision on animal health as intended in Articles 70 through 74 shall be governed in Government Regulation.


Article 76

(1) Enforcement of breeders, business on husbandry, and business on animal health shall be conducted by providing facilities for business advancement on husbandry and animal health as well as improvement in competition.

(2) The facility as intended in paragraph (1) shall cover:

(3) The Government and regional government together with the stakeholders on husbandry and animal health shall empower the breeders to improve the welfare of the breeders.

(4) The Government and regional government shall motivate and facilitate development of animal product stipulated as strategic food material in accomplishing food defense.

(5) Further provision on the facilities as intended in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be governed in or based on Government Regulation.

Article 77

(1) The Government and regional government shall protect the breeders from action that contains exploration by other party for the purpose of obtaining reasonable income.

(2) The Government and regional government shall prevent misuse of the policy on capital and/or fiscal for the purpose of empowering the breeders, husbandry business, and animal health business.

(3) The Government and regional government shall enter into partnership business on husbandry business and animal health that caused exploitation thus inflicting loss to the breeders and the people.


Article 78

(1) Human resource on husbandry and animal health shall cover the Government elements, regional government, business operator, and all parties related to husbandry and animal health.

(2) Quality of human resource on husbandry and animal health as intended in paragraph (1) needs improvement and development in order to improve the skill, professionalism, independence, dedication and decent manner.

(3) Quality development of human resource on husbandry and animal health shall be implemented by means of:

(4) The Government and regional government through educational institution and business circle shall facilitate and develop education and training as well as provision of information relating to provision of competent human resource on husbandry and animal health.

(5) The Government and regional government shall provide information on husbandry and animal health as well as motivate the manage husbandry and animal health and develop role of the people to conduct good husbandry and animal health.

(6) The Government and regional government shall conduct information provision and public education on husbandry and animal health by attempting improvement in nutrition awareness of the people in consuming safe, healthy, solid and permissible animal product.

(7) The Government shall develop and facilitate various methods of development of human resources on husbandry and animal health as intended in paragraph (3).

(8) Further provision on means of development of human resource quality as intended in paragraph (3) c shall be governed in Regulation of the Minister.


Article 79

(1) The Government and regional government shall be obliged to conduct research and development of husbandry and animal health.

(2) Research and development of husbandry and animal health may be conducted by the Government, regional government institution, individual, community own initiative institution, or business circle or joint operation.

(3) The Government and regional government shall manage and develop good joint operation inter-research and development operators on husbandry and animal health, either nationally or internationally.

Article 80

(1) Foreign citizen individuals and/or foreign legal entity conducting research and development on husbandry and animal health shall first obtain license from the authorized government agency in charge of research and development, and application of science and technology.

(2) Foreign citizen individual and/or legal entity as intended in paragraph (1) in conducting research must cooperate with the local researcher or research institution.

Article 81

The State shall provide protection to intellectual property rights resulting from application of invention of science and technology on husbandry and animal health.

Article 82

The research and technology relating to genetic engineering on husbandry and animal health may be conducted to the extent they do not contravene religious norms, human health, animal health and growth and environment, welfare of animal, and not inflicting loss to biological variety.

Article 83

Provision on the implementation of research and development as well as application of science and technology on husbandry and animal health shall comply with the provision in laws.


Article 84

(1) Other than the Police investigating Official of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, particular Civil Servant Official which scope of duty and responsibility cover husbandry and animal health shall be granted special authority as investigator in accordance with the provisions in laws.

(2) The Civil Servant Official as intended in paragraph (1) is authorized to:

(3) The Civil Servant Official as intended in paragraph (1) shall notify when the investigation will be conducted and shall deliver the result of his/her investigation to the public prosecutor in accordance with the Civil Procedural Code.


Article 85

(1) Any person violating the provision as intended in Article 9 paragraph (1), Article 11 paragraph (1), Article 13 paragraph (4), Article 15 paragraph (3), Article 18 paragraph (2), Article 19 paragraph (1), Article 22 paragraph (1) paragraph (2), Article 23, Article 24 paragraph (2), Article 25 paragraph (1), Article 29 paragraph (3), Article 42 paragraph (5), Article 45 paragraph (1), Article 47 paragraph (2) or paragraph (3), Article 50 paragraph (3), Article 51 paragraph (2), Article 52 paragraph (1), Article 54 paragraph (3), Article 58 paragraph (5), Article 59 paragraph (2), Article 61 paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), Article 62 paragraph (2) or paragraph (3), Article 69 paragraph (2), and Article 72 paragraph (1) shall be charged administrative penalty.

(2) The administrative penalty as intended in paragraph (1) shall be in the form of:

(3) Further provision on the procedure for charging administrative penalty as intended in paragraphs (2) a through d shall be governed in Government Regulation.

(4) The amount of penalty as intended in paragraph e shall be charged on any person that:

(5) The amount of penalty as intended in paragraph (4) plus 1/3 (one-third) of the penalty it the violation as intended in paragraph (1) shall be charged by the authorized official or corporate.


Article 86

Any person slaughtering:

Article 87

Any person violating those stated in Article 22 paragraph (4) shall be criminally imprisoned for at least 3 (three) months and maximum 9 (nine) months and/or a fine of at least Rp75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million Rupiahs) and maximum Rp750,000,000.00 (seven hundred fifty million Rupiahs).

Article 88

Any person producing and/or circulating any device and machinery without prioritizing the safety and security of the machine to the users as intended in Article 24 paragraph (2) and/or not yet tested in accordance with the provision as intended in Article 24 paragraph (3) shall be criminally imprisoned for at least 3 (three) months and maximum 11 (eleven) months and a fine of at least Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million Rupiahs) and maximum Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million Rupiahs).

Article 89

(1) Any person violating the provision on exporting and/or importing of animal, animal product, or other animal disease carrier from and to the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as intended in Article 42 paragraph (5), Article 58 paragraph (5), and Article 59 paragraph (1) shall be criminally imprisoned for at least 2 (two) years and maximum 5 (five) years and/or a fine of at least Rp150,000,000.00 (one hundred fifty million Rupiahs) and maximum Rp1,500,000,000.00 (one billion, five hundred thousand Rupiahs).

(2) Any person exporting and/or importing animal, animal product, or other animal disease carrier to the free of infectious area or alleged to be infected as intended in Article 46 paragraph (5), Article 59 paragraph (3), and Article 60 paragraph (1) shall be criminally imprisoned for at least one (1) year and maximum five (5) years and/or a fine of at least Rp150,000,000.00 (one hundred fifty million Rupiahs) and maximum Rp1,000,000,000.00 (one billion Rupiahs).

(3) If the criminal action as intended in paragraph (1) causes death to any person, the perpetrator shall be criminally imprisoned for at least three (3) years and maximum nine (9) years and/or a fine of at least Rp3,000,000,000.00 (three billion Rupiahs) and maximum Rp9,000,000,000.00 (nine billion Rupiahs).

Article 90

Any person using certain animal medicine on livestock which product is for human consumption as intended in Article 51 paragraph (3) shall be criminally imprisoned for at least three (3) months and maximum nine (9) months and/or a fine of at least Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million Rupiahs) and maximum Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million Rupiahs).

Article 91

Any person manufacturing, providing, and/or circulating animal medicine as intended in Article 52 paragraph (2) shall be criminally imprisoned for at least three (3) months and maximum nine (9) months and/or a fine of at least Rp600,000,000.00 (six hundred million Rupiahs) and maximum Rp1,800,000,000.00 (one billion eight hundred million Rupiahs).

Article 92

(1) If the criminal action is committed by a corporate or authorized official, the crime charged shall be criminal fine charged plus 1/3 (one-third) of the criminal fine as intended in Article 86 through Article 91.

(2) Other than the criminal fine as intended in paragraph (1), the corporate or authorized official may be charged additional crime in the form of revocation of business license, status of legal entity, or status of the civil servant of the authorized official.

Article 93

(1) The criminal action as intended in Article 86, Article 87, Article 88, Article 90, and Article 91 shall be criminal violation.

(2) The criminal action as intended in Article 89 shall be crime.


Article 94

By the time this Law comes to effect:


Article 95

All existing implementing regulations of laws on husbandry and animal health to the extent they do not contravene this Law shall survive until new implementing regulation are stipulated based on this Law.

Article 96

The provision on veterinarian practice and the provision on veterinary not sufficiently governed in this Law shall be governed separately by law.

Article 97

Implementing regulations of this Law shell be:

Article 98

By the time this Law comes to force:

1. Law No. 6/1967 concerning Principal Provisions on Husbandry and Animal Health (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 7/1967, Supplement to Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2824);

2. The provisions that govern animal are as set forth be:

are revoked and declared null and void.

Article 99

This Law shall take effect on the date it is enacted.

For public cognizance, enactment of this Law shall be announced by placing it in Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On June 4, 2009